May 2007
Date | Time | Title |
5/15/07 | 10:00 AM | U.S. Re-Engagement in the Global Effort to Fight Climate Change |
5/10/07 | 2:00 PM | Is There a Human Rights Double Standard? U.S. Policy Toward Equatorial Guinea and Ethiopia |
5/10/07 | 10:00 AM | Every State a Superpower? Stopping the Spread of Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century |
5/9/07 | 2:00 PM | Economic and Military Support for the U.S. Efforts in Iraq: The Coalition of the Willing, Then and Now |
5/8/07 | 10:00 AM | Two Sides of the Same Coin: Jewish and Palestinian Refugees |
5/3/07 | 1:00 PM | Do the United States and Europe Need a Missile Defense System? |
5/3/07 | 9:30 AM | Arab Opinion on American Policies, Values and People |
5/2/07 | 10:00 AM | A Review of the State Department’s 2006 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices |
5/1/07 | 12:30 PM | The Future of Political, Economic and Security Relations with China |
April 2007
Date | Time | Title |
4/26/07 | 1:30 PM | Efforts to Deal with America’s Image Abroad: Are They Working? |