May 2016
Date | Time | Title |
5/26/16 | 9:30 AM | S. 1635 |
5/25/16 | 2:30 PM | Tunisia’s Struggle for Stability, Security, and Democracy |
5/25/16 | 10:00 AM | Iran Nuclear Deal Oversight: Implementation and its Consequences (Part II) |
5/24/16 | 2:00 PM | The U.S.-Saudi Arabia Counterterrorism Relationship |
5/18/16 | 2:30 PM | Democracy Support Strategies in Africa |
5/18/16 | 10:00 AM | H. Res. 374, H. Res. 650, H. Con. Res. 129, S. 284 and S. 1252 |
5/17/16 | 2:00 PM | U.S. Department of State Counterterrorism Bureau: FY 2017 Budget |
5/12/16 | 10:00 AM | Terrorism, Missiles and Corruption: The Risks of Economic Engagement with Iran |
5/11/16 | 2:30 PM | The U.S. Role in Helping Nigeria Confront Boko Haram and Other Threats in Northern Nigeria |
5/11/16 | 2:00 PM | FY 2017 Budget Priorities for South Asia: Recovery, Development, and Engagement |