January 2007
Date | Time | Title |
1/23/07 | 2:30 PM | Markup: H. Res. 24 - Establishing the House Democracy Assistance Commission for the One Hundred Tenth Congress; |
1/19/07 | 10:00 AM | Briefing: The Baker-Hamilton Commission Report |
1/18/07 | 1:30 PM | Briefing: North Korea |
1/17/07 | 10:00 AM | Briefing: Iraq |
1/11/07 | 2:00 PM | Briefing: Iraq |
1/11/07 | 10:00 AM | Briefing Next Steps in the Iran Crisis |
December 2006
Date | Time | Title |
12/21/06 | 12:00 AM | Examination of a Fundamental Human Right: The 2006 International Religious Freedom Report |
November 2006
Date | Time | Title |
11/14/06 | 10:00 AM | Hauge Convention on International Adoptions: Status and the Framework for Implementation |
September 2006
Date | Time | Title |
9/28/06 | 12:00 AM | The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in United States Programming in Africa |