December 2014
Date | Time | Title |
12/10/14 | 2:00 PM | Russian Arms Control Cheating and the Administration’s Responses |
12/10/14 | 10:00 AM | Countering ISIS: Are We Making Progress? |
12/4/14 | 1:00 PM | Is Academic Freedom Threatened by China's Influence on U.S. Universities? |
12/2/14 | 2:00 PM | Hong Kong: A Broken Promise? |
12/2/14 | 10:00 AM | ISIS and the Threat from Foreign Fighters |
November 2014
Date | Time | Title |
11/20/14 | 1:00 PM | Examining What a Nuclear Iran Deal Means for Global Security |
11/20/14 | 9:30 AM | Markup: H.R. 2901 - Senator Paul Simon Water for the World Act of 2013 |
11/19/14 | 2:30 PM | Next Steps for U.S. Foreign Policy on Syria and Iraq |
11/19/14 | 2:00 PM | Markup: H.R. 5648 - United States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act of 2014 |
11/18/14 | 2:00 PM | Unaccompanied Alien Children: Pressing the Administration for a Strategy |