May 2021
Date | Time | Title |
5/12/21 | 10:00 AM | Driving a Global, Whole-of-Society Response to Climate Action |
5/10/21 | 3:00 PM | COVID-19 Assistance and Diplomacy |
5/6/21 | 12:30 PM | The Atrocities Against Uyghurs and Other Minorities in Xinjiang |
5/5/21 | 3:00 PM | Creating a Framework for Rules Based Order in Space |
5/5/21 | 11:00 AM | Reaffirming the Good Friday Agreement |
5/4/21 | 1:00 PM | The Unfolding Crisis in Burma |
April 2021
Date | Time | Title |
4/29/21 | 11:00 AM | Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea |
4/27/21 | 2:00 PM | The Effects of Climate Change in Africa |
4/21/21 | 2:00 PM | Markup of Various Measures |
4/21/21 | 10:00 AM | The Crisis in Yemen: Part 2 |