July 2008
Date | Time | Title |
7/24/08 | 11:00 AM | Saving the NPT and the Nonproliferation Regime in an Era of Nuclear Renaissance |
7/24/08 | 9:30 AM | Markup: H.R. 6574 - United States-Russian Federation Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Act of 2008; |
7/23/08 | 2:00 PM | Possible Extension of the U.N. Mandate for Iraq: Options |
7/23/08 | 9:30 AM | China on the Eve of the Olympics |
7/17/08 | 10:30 AM | Venezuela: Looking Ahead |
7/17/08 | 10:00 AM | Aiding American Businesses Abroad: Government Action to Help Beleaguered American Firms and Investors |
7/16/08 | 9:30 AM | Markup: H.R. 3202 - Foreign Service Overseas Pay Equity Act of 2007; |
7/9/08 | 2:00 PM | Europe and Israel: Strengthening the Partnership |
7/9/08 | 10:00 AM | U.S. Policy Toward Iran |
June 2008
Date | Time | Title |
6/25/08 | 2:00 PM | More Than Just the 123 Agreement: The Future of U.S.-Indo Relations |