June 2007
Date | Time | Title |
6/19/07 | 2:00 PM | Working in a War Zone: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Civilians Returning from Iraq |
6/19/07 | 10:45 AM | South America and the United States: How to Fix a Broken Relationship |
6/14/07 | 2:00 PM | Is There a Human Rights Double Standard? U.S. Policy Toward Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Uzbekistan |
6/14/07 | 10:00 AM | Deal or No Deal: The State of the Trans-Atlantic Relationship |
6/13/07 | 10:00 AM | The United States-South Korea FTA: The Foreign Policy Implications |
6/13/07 | 10:00 AM | U.N. Peacekeeping Forces: A Force Multiplier for the U.S.? |
6/7/07 | 10:30 AM | Nigeria at a Crossroads: Elections, Legitimacy and a Way Forward |
6/6/07 | 10:00 AM | U.S. Policy Challenges in North Africa |
May 2007
Date | Time | Title |
5/24/07 | 2:30 PM | Hearing and Briefing: "International Food Aid Programs: Options to Enhance Effectiveness" |
5/24/07 | 1:00 PM | Expanding the Visa Waiver Program, Enhancing Transatlantic Relations |