February 2016
Date | Time | Title |
2/11/16 | 1:45 PM | H. Res. 148 |
2/11/16 | 10:00 AM | Iran Nuclear Deal Oversight: Implementation and Its Consequences |
2/10/16 | 2:00 PM | After San Bernardino: The Future of ISIS-Inspired Attacks |
2/10/16 | 1:15 PM | The Global Zika Epidemic |
2/10/16 | 10:00 AM | From Iraq and Syria to Libya and Beyond: The Evolving ISIL Threat |
2/3/16 | 2:00 PM | Turkey: Political Trends in 2016 |
January 2016
Date | Time | Title |
1/13/16 | 9:00 AM | The U.S. Response to North Korea’s Nuclear Provocations |
1/12/16 | 2:30 PM | Human Rights in China: The 2015 Annual Report of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China |
1/12/16 | 2:15 PM | H. Res. 339, H. Res. 343 and H. Res. 374 |
1/7/16 | 10:00 AM | H.R. 1797, H.R. 3662, and H.R. 4314 |