June 2009
Date | Time | Title |
6/9/09 | 2:00 PM | Guatemala at a Crossroads |
6/4/09 | 2:00 PM | Agent Orange: What Efforts Are Being Made To Address The Continuing Impact Of Dioxin In Vietnam? |
6/4/09 | 10:30 AM | Local and Regional Purchases: Opportunities to Enhance U.S. Food Aid |
May 2009
Date | Time | Title |
5/20/09 | 10:00 AM | Markup: H.R. 1886 - Pakistan Enduring Assistance and Cooperation Enhancement Act of 2009; and |
5/14/09 | 10:30 AM | The United States and Turkey: A Model Partnership |
5/13/09 | 1:30 PM | Building Capacity to Protect U.S. National Security: The Fiscal Year 2010 International Affairs Budget |
5/7/09 | 10:00 AM | Zimbabwe: Opportunities for a New Way Forward |
5/6/09 | 9:00 AM | Global Health Emergencies Hit Home: The “Swine Flu” Outbreak |
5/5/09 | 12:15 PM | From Strategy to Implementation: The Future of the U.S.-Pakistan Relationship |
April 2009
Date | Time | Title |
4/30/09 | 1:00 PM | International Efforts to Combat Maritime Piracy |