November 2009
Date | Time | Title |
11/4/09 | 10:00 AM | Copenhagen and Beyond: Is there a Successor to the Kyoto Protocol? |
October 2009
Date | Time | Title |
10/29/09 | 9:30 AM | A Call to Action on Food Security: The Administration's Global Strategy |
10/28/09 | 1:00 PM | A Regional Overview of the Middle East |
10/28/09 | 10:00 AM | Markup: H.R. 2194 - Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act of 2009. |
10/27/09 | 2:00 PM | Iran in the Western Hemisphere |
10/22/09 | 10:00 AM | Concerns Regarding Possible Collusion in Northern Ireland: Police and Paramilitary Groups |
10/21/09 | 2:00 PM | International Violence Against Women: Stories and Solutions |
10/21/09 | 10:00 AM | U.S. Policy Toward Burma |
10/15/09 | 2:10 PM | Assessing U.S. Drug Policy in the Americas |
10/15/09 | 2:00 PM | Markup: H.R. 2134 - Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission Act of 2009 |