May 2007
Date | Time | Title |
5/24/07 | 10:00 AM | The Reauthorization of OPIC |
5/23/07 | 2:00 PM | U.S. Assistance to the Palestinians |
5/23/07 | 10:00 AM | Markup: H.R. 885 - International Nuclear Fuel for Peace and Nonproliferation Act of 2007 |
5/22/07 | 2:00 PM | Vulture Funds and the Threat to Debt Relief in Africa: A Call to Action at the G-8 and Beyond |
5/22/07 | 10:00 AM | Iraq: Is Reconstruction Failing? |
5/17/07 | 2:00 PM | Declining Approval for American Foreign Policy in Muslim Countries: Does It Make It More Difficult to Fight al-Qaeda? |
5/17/07 | 11:00 AM | Russia: Rebuilding the Iron Curtain |
5/16/07 | 3:30 PM | Africa’s Water Crisis and the U.S. Response |
5/16/07 | 2:30 PM | BRIEFING: Africa's Water Crisis and the 2006 UNDP Human Development Report |
5/16/07 | 10:00 AM | Public Diplomacy in the Middle East and South Asia: Is the Message Getting Through? |