February 2007
Date | Time | Title |
2/28/07 | 10:00 AM | Iraq and U.S. Foreign Policy |
2/15/07 | 1:30 PM | Protecting the Human Rights of Comfort Women |
2/15/07 | 10:00 AM | Afghanistan on the Brink: Where Do We Go From Here? |
2/15/07 | 9:45 AM | Markup: H. Res. 98 - Honoring the life and achievements of the late Dr. John Garang de Mabior and reaffirming the continued commitment of the House of Representatives to a just and lasting peace in the Republic of the Sudan; |
2/14/07 | 2:30 PM | Next Steps in Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process |
2/13/07 | 10:00 AM | The Future of the United Nations under Ban Ki-Moon |
2/8/07 | 10:30 AM | The Escalating Crisis in Darfur: Are There Any Prospects for Peace? |
2/7/07 | 10:00 AM | International Relations Budget for Fiscal Year 2008 |
January 2007
Date | Time | Title |
1/31/07 | 10:00 AM | Understanding the Iran Crisis |
1/24/07 | 10:30 AM | Hearing and Briefing: "South Sudan: The Comprehensive Peace Agreement on Life Support" |