Latest News

September 2016
Date Title
9/21/16 Engel Floor Remarks Supporting Ukraine Bill
9/20/16 Engel Floor Remarks on Cultural Property Preservation
9/15/16 Engel Statement on Argentina & U.K. Seeking Closer Cooperation with Falkland Islands
9/13/16 Engel Statement on U.S.-Israel Memorandum of Understanding
9/12/16 Engel Encourages New US-Israel MOU
9/12/16 Engel Remarks on Respecting the Needs of Holocaust Survivors
9/12/16 Engel Remarks Commemorating the Life of Elie Wiesel
9/12/16 Engel Remarks in Support of Democracy in Cambodia
9/10/16 Engel Statement on U.S.-Russia Agreement on Syria
9/9/16 Royce, Engel Statement on Completion of Camp Liberty Resettlement
9/9/16 Engel Statement on North Korean Provocations
9/9/16 Engel: Putin's Propaganda Mouthpiece is No Place for Presidential Candidates
9/8/16 Engel Remarks on the National Security Council's Role
9/7/16 Engel Floor Remarks on Georgia's Territorial Integrity
9/7/16 Engel Floor Remarks on the Education for All Act
9/7/16 Engel Floor Remarks on U.S.-Korea-Japan Trilateral Relationship
9/6/16 Engel Statement on United States & China Joining Paris Agreement
9/1/16 Engel Statement on Clashes in Gabon
August 2016
Date Title
8/18/16 Engel Welcomes New Crackdown on Looted Syrian Antiquities
8/15/16 GAO: Engel Law Will Help Curb Antiquities Looting in Syria
July 2016
Date Title
7/27/16 Rep. Engel's Statement on Donald Trump's Russia Comments
7/26/16 Engel, Conyers, Thompson: Russia Must Not Interfere with U.S. Election
7/23/16 Ranking Member Engel's Statement on the Attack in Munich
7/23/16 Ranking Member Engel's Statement on the Attack in Kabul
7/21/16 Ranking Member Engel's Statement on America's NATO Commitment
7/20/16 Engel Applauds Signing of Global Food Security Act Into Law
7/18/16 Joint Statement from Congressional Leaders on Violence in South Sudan
7/15/16 Congressmen Introduce Bill to Defend South China Sea
7/15/16 Engel Statement on the Detention of Anti-Slavery Activists in Mauritania
7/14/16 Engel Remarks on Full Committee Markup
7/14/16 Ranking Member Engel's Statement on the Attack in Nice, France
7/14/16 Engel & Royce Announce Syria Sanctions Bill
7/14/16 Engel Applauds Passage of Congolese Elections Resolution
7/14/16 Engel Applauds Committee Passage of Ukraine Bill
7/14/16 Engel Floor Remarks on Partisan Iran Bill
7/13/16 Engel Remarks on Countering ISIS Online
7/13/16 Engel Floor Remarks on Iran Heavy Water Bill
7/12/16 Engel Remarks on Threats to Human Rights in LGBT Communities
7/12/16 Engel Urges 100+ Governments to Publicly Support South China Sea Decision
7/12/16 Statement from Foreign Affairs & Armed Services Democrats on South China Sea Decision
7/9/16 Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of South Sudan's Independence
7/7/16 Readout of Engel Meeting with Mexico's Ambassador
7/7/16 Engel Asks UN to Call on Venezuelan Government to Allow for Quick, Fair Recall Vote
7/7/16 Engel Remarks on Guantanamo Prison Transfers
7/6/16 Engel Statement on North Korea Sanctions Designations
7/6/16 Engel Remarks on Challenges to Israeli-Palestinian Peace
7/5/16 Engel Floor Remarks on Foreign Aid Transparency
7/5/16 Engel Floor Remarks on Global Food Security
7/3/16 Engel Statement on Attack in Baghdad
7/2/16 Engel Statement on Terrorist Attack in Bangladesh
June 2016
Date Title
6/29/16 Engel Statement on Istanbul Terrorist Attack
6/28/16 Engel Statement on Benghazi Committee Report
6/26/16 Engel Statement on Troubling FATF Decision on Iran
6/24/16 Engel Statement on Brexit Vote
6/23/16 Engel Statement on Zika Conference Report
6/22/16 Engel Remarks on Reproductive and Maternal Health Needs of Women Refugees
6/22/16 Engel Remarks on Child Labor in the Cocoa Industry
6/21/16 Chairman Royce, Ranking Member Engel Introduce Legislation to Promote Internet Access in Developing Countries
6/16/16 Engel Remarks at Full Committee Markup
6/15/16 Engel Remarks on U.S.-Caribbean Strategic Partnership
6/14/16 Engel Remarks on U.S. Policy Towards Putin's Russia
6/13/16 Engel Remarks on Resolution Condemning Organ Harvesting
6/13/16 Engel Remarks on U.S.-Caribbean Strategic Partnership
6/13/16 House Passes Engel Bill to Strengthen Caribbean Engagement
6/13/16 Engel Remarks on Legislation to Address Organ Trafficking
6/9/16 Engel Condemns Tel Aviv Terrorist Attack
6/9/16 Engel: GOP National Security Plan the Wrong Way for America
6/8/16 Engel Remarks Welcoming Prime Minister Modi
6/8/16 With Modi Visit, Engel & Crowley Offer Bill to Strengthen U.S.-India Relationship
6/6/16 Engel Statement on Murder of Honduran LGBT Rights Leader
May 2016
Date Title
5/31/16 Engel Statement on Conviction of Former Chadian President Hissène Habré
5/31/16 Engel Statement on Invoking of OAS Democratic Charter for Venezuela
5/26/16 Engel Remarks on State Department Authorization
5/25/16 Engel Welcomes Release of Khadija Ismayilova
5/25/16 Engel: State Inspector's Hit Job an Embarassment
5/25/16 Engel Remarks on Iran Nuclear Deal Oversight
5/21/16 Engel Remarks on US-Ghana Relations
5/19/16 Engel Statement on Zika Funding Bill
5/18/16 Engel Remarks at Full Committee Markup
5/18/16 Engel Remarks on the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act
5/17/16 Engel Marks International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
5/17/16 Engel Statement on Adjustment to US Sanctions Regime on Burma
5/16/16 Engel Floor Remarks on U.S.-Taiwan Relations
5/16/16 Engel Floor Remarks on the Starr-Camargo Bridge
5/16/16 Engel Floor Remarks on International Religious Freedom
5/13/16 Engel Statement on Political Transition and Risk of Instability in the DRC
5/12/16 Engel Commemorates 68 Years of Israel's Independence
5/12/16 Engel Remarks on Risks of Economic Engagement with Iran
5/9/16 President Signs Engel Bill to Stop ISIS From Looting Antiquities
5/5/16 Bipartisan Taskforce Observes Holocaust Remembrance Day
5/5/16 Engel Calls on International Community to Renew Fight Against All Forms of Hatred on Holocaust Remembrance Day
April 2016
Date Title
4/29/16 Engel, Kinzinger Offer Sweeping Legislation to Address Crisis in Ukraine
4/28/16 Engel Q&A With Deputy Secretary of State Blinken on Asia
4/28/16 Engel Applauds Roberta Jacobson Confirmation as US Ambassador to Mexico
4/28/16 Engel Remarks on Opportunities and Challenges in Asia
4/28/16 Engel Statement on Inviting Prime Minister Modi to Address Congress
4/27/16 Engel Remarks on South Sudan
4/27/16 Engel: Reckless Foreign-Policy Plans Endanger American Security
4/26/16 Engel Bill to Stop ISIS from Looting Antiquities Heads to the President
4/26/16 Engel Statement on North Korea Missile Test