Latest News

September 2019
Date Title
9/24/19 Three Committee Chairmen to White House: Any Attempt by Trump to Use Presidency for Personal Gain Undermines Our Sovereignty, Democracy and the Constitution
9/23/19 Three Committees Threaten Subpoenas This Week if Administration Refuses to Produce Documents on Ukraine
9/20/19 Engel Presses Trump to Strengthen the Japan-South Korea Relationship
9/20/19 President’s Attacks on Intelligence Community Whistleblower Threaten National Security and Accountability
9/19/19 Engel Remarks at Trump Administration’s Afghanistan Policy Hearing
9/18/19 Engel Statement on Afghanistan Hearing
9/17/19 Engel Statement on the Situation in Saudi Arabia
9/17/19 Engel Presses Johnson to Protect Ireland in Brexit Plans
9/12/19 Engel Subpoenas Top Afghanistan Negotiator
9/10/19 Engel Statement on Firing of John Bolton
9/9/19 Three House Committees Launch Wide-Ranging Investigation into Trump-Giuliani Ukraine Scheme
9/6/19 Engel & McCaul Oppose Cutting Assistance to Ukraine Files
9/5/19 Engel Statement on John Lansing’s Announced Departure as Head of USAGM
9/5/19 Engel & McCaul Joint Statement on Russian Protests and Upcoming Elections in Moscow
9/5/19 Engel Presses Afghanistan Special Representative to Testify
August 2019
Date Title
8/31/19 Engel & McCaul Joint Statement on Hong Kong
8/31/19 Democrats Urge Pence to Address Poland’s Democratic Backsliding
8/30/19 Engel & Mccaul Press Polish Prime Minister On Erosion Of Democracy In Poland
8/26/19 Engel, Chabot, Cardin, Young Call for Accountability on Second Anniversary of Rohingya Genocide
8/24/19 Engel Statement on ROK’s Failure to Renew the Korea-Japan Military Information Sharing Agreement
8/21/19 Engel Statement on Japan-Korea Trade Tensions
8/15/19 Engel Statement on State Dept. Inspector Report on Retaliation against Career Employees
8/15/19 Engel Statement on Israel Denying Entry to Reps. Omar & Tlaib
8/14/19 Engel, McCaul Statement on Hong Kong
8/11/19 Engel Statement Following Congressional Delegation Visit to the Northern Triangle
8/9/19 Engel Statement following Visit to Guatemala
8/9/19 Congressional Foreign Policy Leaders Urge Administration Not to Cancel Funding for Diplomacy & Development
8/7/19 Engel & Menendez Statement on Status of Jammu and Kashmir
8/7/19 Engel Statement on Administration’s Plan to Withhold Funding for Foreign Affairs Efforts
8/2/19 Engel Statement on INF Treaty
8/2/19 Engel & McCaul Statement on the Need to Impose Additional Chemical Weapons Sanctions on Russia
July 2019
Date Title
7/30/19 Engel, Sires Call on Guatemalan Presidential Candidates to Support Re-Establishment of CICIG and Renew Fight Against Corruption
7/29/19 Engel, McCaul Condemn Arrests of Protesters, Apparent Poisoning of Alexei Navalny in Moscow
7/29/19 Engel and McCaul Call for Sanctions on Russia for Chemical Weapons Attack in United Kingdom
7/29/19 Engel Remarks at Burma Panel Event
7/29/19 Engel Presses for Accountability for Burmese Military Crimes Against the Rohingya
7/26/19 Engel Statement on Chinese Interference in Vietnamese-Controlled Waters
7/26/19 Engel on Trump Administration’s Signing of Safe Third Country Agreement with Guatemala
7/26/19 Engel Statement on Hong Kong
7/26/19 Engel, McCaul Introduce Legislation Reaffirming Commitment to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria
7/25/19 Engel, McCaul Applaud House Passage of State Department Authorization Act
7/24/19 Engel Condemns Trump’s Veto of Arms Sale Resolutions
7/23/19 Engel Demands Records on State Department Payments to Mar-a-Lago and Trump Turnberry Resort
7/22/19 Readout of Chairman Engel’s Call with Indian Ambassador
7/18/19 50 House Democrats Demand Answers on Pompeo’s “Unalienable Rights” Commission
7/17/19 Engel-Connolly Election Interference Sanctions Bill Clears Foreign Affairs Committee
7/17/19 Engel Floor Remarks on Arms Sales Resolution of Disapproval
7/15/19 Engel, McCaul Bill to Address Root Causes of Migration from Central America Passes House
7/12/19 Engel Measures on Human Rights, War Powers, and Nonproliferation Pass in the House of Representatives
7/12/19 Engel-McCaul Statement on Turkey’s Receipt of S-400
7/12/19 Engel Cosponsors Amendment to Prohibit Trump from Unauthorized War with Iran
7/12/19 Engel Cosponsors Amendment to Repeal 2002 Iraq War AUMF
7/11/19 Engel Statement on Anniversary of Srebrenica Massacre
7/8/19 Engel Statement on State Department “Unalienable Rights” Commission
7/1/19 Engel Statement on Trump-Erdogan Bilateral Meeting
June 2019
Date Title
6/28/19 Engel Announces Sanctions Legislation to Punish Interference in U.S. Elections
6/28/19 Engel & Deutch Receive State Department Answer on Old War Authorizations & Iran
6/28/19 Engel Calls for Sanctions on Sudanese Security Forces
6/27/19 Chairman Engel, Nadler, and Thompson Call on Trump to End Unlawful Safe Third Country Negotiations
6/27/19 Engel Statement on Albanian Electoral Situation
6/27/19 Foreign Affairs Committee Releases Transcript of Interview with Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
6/26/19 Engel & Deutch Demand State Department’s Legal Opinions on Use of Force against Iran
6/26/19 Engel Remarks at Full Committee Markup of H.R. 3352, H.Res. 220, H.Res. 221, H.Res. 222, H.Res. 358, H.R. 2037, H.R. 3206, H.R. 3460
6/26/19 Engel Statement on Khashoggi Accountability Legislation
6/26/19 Engel-McCaul State Department Authorization Clears Foreign Affairs Committee
6/24/19 Engel Stresses Importance of U.S.-India Relationship Ahead of Pompeo’s Visit
6/23/19 Engel Statement on Attempted Coup in Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia
6/20/19 Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats Call for Investigation of Phony Emergency and Arms Sales
6/20/19 Engel & McCaul Call For Review of U.S. Efforts To Combat Cybercrime
6/20/19 Engel BURMA Act Clears Foreign Affairs Committee
6/19/19 Engel Remarks at Iran Hearing
6/17/19 Engel & McCaul Introduce Legislation to Modernize NATO Allies' Forces
6/12/19 Engel, Chabot Introduce Burma Sanctions Act
6/12/19 Engel Remarks at Arms Control Hearing
6/12/19 Engel Leads Effort Raising Concerns About Democracy in Poland before Trump-Duda Meeting
6/12/19 Engel, McCaul Congratulate New Chairs of the Congressional Argentina Caucus
6/12/19 New Bipartisan Legislation Would Halt Arms Sales to Gulf Countries
6/10/19 House Passes Engel & McCaul Resolution Calling on Turkey to Cancel Russian Weapons Purchase
6/10/19 Engel Statement on Hong Kong Protests
6/5/19 Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats Reject Trump Administration’s End-Run Around Congress on Arms Sales to Gulf Countries, Promise New Legislation and Tough Oversight
6/5/19 Top National Security Democrats Call on Pres. Trump to Extend New START Nuclear Treaty with Russia
6/4/19 Engel Remarks at Tiananmen at 30: Examining the Evolution of Repression in China Hearing
6/4/19 Engel Statement on Violence against Peaceful Protesters in Sudan
May 2019
Date Title
5/28/19 Engel, Wilson, Hastings, Kaptur Introduce Bipartisan U.S.-Hungary Resolution
5/26/19 Chairman Engel’s Travel to Lebanon
5/24/19 Leading Lawmakers Unveil Congressional Oversight Framework for the Potential Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
5/23/19 Engel Statement on India's Elections
5/23/19 Engel Statement on Arms Sales
5/22/19 Engel Lauds Launch of Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission
5/22/19 Engel’s Global Fragility Passed by House
5/22/19 Engel Statement on Tillerson Meeting
5/22/19 Engel Remarks at Full Committee Hearing on Syria
5/22/19 Engel Remarks at Full Committee Markup of H.R. 2615, H.R. 2744, H.R. 598, H.R. 2140, H.R. 2023, H.R. 2046, H.Res. 129, H.Res. 372, H.Res. 345
5/20/19 Nearly 400 Lawmakers Call on Trump to Address Threats in Syria
5/18/19 Engel Statement on the 10th Anniversary of the End of the Sri Lanka Civil War
5/16/19 Engel & Asia Subcommittee Democrats to Trump: Appoint an Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asia
5/16/19 Engel Statement on State Department Denying Citizenship to Children of Americans
5/16/19 Schiff, Engel, and Smith Demand Briefing and Documents on Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance Report
5/16/19 Engel Remarks at Subcommittee Hearing on The Dangers of Reporting on Human Rights
5/16/19 Engel Remarks at Full Committee Hearing on Rebalancing U.S.-Africa Policy