Latest News

March 2018
Date Title
3/15/18 Engel Statement on Trump's Admission of Fabricating Information in Meeting with Canadian PM
3/15/18 Engel Remarks at Full Committee Markup
3/15/18 Engel, Poe, McCaul, Smith, Keating Introduce Legislation to Reduce Violence, Stabilize Fragile Countries
3/15/18 Engel Statement on New Russia Sanctions
3/15/18 White House & State Dept. Conducted “Cleaning” of Career Employees They Believed Not Sufficiently “Supportive” of Trump Agenda
3/14/18 Engel Remarks on Modernizing Export Control
3/13/18 Engel Statement on Tillerson Departure
3/12/18 140 House Democrats to Trump: Follow the Law; Impose Sanctions on Russia
3/9/18 Engel Statement on North Korea Talks
3/8/18 Foreign Affairs Democrats to Tillerson: Stop Letting Russia off the Hook
3/6/18 House Foreign Affairs Democrats Demand Answers on Human Rights Report
3/5/18 Engel Statement on State Dept. Failure to Use Anti-Propaganda Funding
3/2/18 HFAC Democrats to Budget Committee: Congress Must Continue to Reject Trump International Affairs Budget Cuts
3/1/18 Royce, Engel Introduce Bill Targeting Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps
3/1/18 Engel Decries Trump Administration Guantanamo Bay Decision
3/1/18 Engel Statement on Resignation of Roberta Jacobson as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico
February 2018
Date Title
2/27/18 Engel Statement on Ambassador Yun's Retirement
2/27/18 Engel, Nadler, Leahy, Feinstein Call for Inspectors General Investigation of DEA Role in Mexico Operations
2/23/18 Engel Statement on New North Korea Sanctions
2/21/18 Engel Statement on Assad Regime's Attacks in Eastern Ghouta
2/20/18 Castro, Engel Urge House Appropriators to Fully Fund America’s Development & Diplomacy
2/16/18 Engel Statement on Today’s Indictments
2/15/18 Royce, Engel Write Bulgaria to Protest Upcoming Anti-Semitic Rally
2/14/18 Engel Remarks on Food Aid
2/13/18 Engel Statement on DNI Coats's Prediction of Russian Election Interference
2/12/18 Engel Statement on Proposed FY19 International Affairs Budget
2/12/18 Engel Statement on Poland's Holocaust Censorship Law
2/8/18 Engel Statement on Global Gag Rule Report
2/8/18 Engel Statement on Venezuela Presidential Election
2/7/18 Engel Statement on Tillerson's Russia Comments
2/6/18 Engel Statement on Russian Election Meddling & Cybersecurity
2/5/18 Engel Statement on Ethiopian Court Sentencing Bekele Gerba
2/5/18 Engel Statement on Ecuador Referendum and Term Limits in the Americas
2/2/18 Engel Statement on Protests in Sudan
January 2018
Date Title
1/30/18 Engel Statement on Foreign Policy in the President's State of the Union Address
1/30/18 Engel Statement on Temporary Protected Status for Syrians
1/29/18 Engel Statement on Trump Administration's Failure to Impose New Sanctions on Russia
1/29/18 Engel & Cummings to State Dept. Inspector: Address Alleged Political Retribution against Career Employees
1/29/18 Cardin, Brown, Hoyer, Engel Reiterate Russia Sanctions, Accountability Expectations to Trump Ahead of Key CAATSA Deadline
1/19/18 Engel Statement on Philippine Government Assault on Free Press
1/17/18 Foreign Affairs Democrats to Trump: End Your Assault on American Diplomacy & Development
1/12/18 Readout of RM Engel's Call with Haiti's Ambassador to the U.S.
1/12/18 Engel Statement on Iran Policy Announcement
1/12/18 Engel, Ros-Lehtinen Statement on Inter-American Court of Human Rights Opinion on Marriage Equality
1/11/18 Engel Statement on Pres. Trump's Comments at Immigration Meeting
1/10/18 Engel Remarks on Sanctions Enforcement
1/9/18 Engel Remarks at Press Conference on Russian Election Interference
1/8/18 Engel Statement on Chairman Royce's Announcement
1/4/18 Cardin, Engel Reiterate Concerns Ahead of Honduran Presidential Inauguration, Amid Ongoing Political Crisis
1/3/18 Engel Statement on Protests in Iran
1/2/18 Engel Statement on Pardon of President Fujimori in Peru
December 2017
Date Title
12/22/17 Engel Statement on Burma Sanctions & Accountability for Human Rights
12/21/17 Engel to Tillerson, Green: Trump's Word Ban is Political Correctness at its Worst
12/19/17 Engel, Kinzinger, Boyle, Royce Offer Bill to Support Future Security of Syrian People, Hold Assad Regime Accountable
12/19/17 Engel Statement on Honduras
12/18/17 Engel Statement on Trump's National Security Strategy
12/14/17 Engel Markup Statement for the Record
12/13/17 Engel Remarks on Serbian Cover-Up of Mass Murder of Almost 1000 Kosovars During Kosovo War
12/12/17 Engel Lauds Passage of Resolution on Importance of U.S.-Mexico Partnership
12/12/17 Engel Floor Remarks on Global Human Rights
12/12/17 Engel Floor Remarks on U.S.-Canada Partnership
12/12/17 State Department: Bring Perpetrators of Crimes in Humanitarian Law Center Report to Justice
12/12/17 Engel, Hultgren, Bass Introduce Bipartisan Burundi Resolution
12/8/17 Engel Statement on Deaths of UN Peacekeepers in the DRC
12/7/17 Engel, Ros-Lehtinen Laud House Passage of Venezuela Humanitarian Aid Bill
12/7/17 Foreign Affairs Democrats to Tillerson: Trump's Anti-Muslim Retweets Endanger Americans
12/7/17 Engel Remarks on U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts in Africa
12/6/17 Engel Statement on Jeruslaem
12/6/17 Engel Statement on Latest Developments on Cuba Health Incidents
12/5/17 Engel Floor Remarks on Venezuela
12/5/17 Engel Floor Remarks on the Rohingya Crisis
12/5/17 Engel Floor Remarks on the Taylor Force Act
12/5/17 Engel, Royce Urge CDC, NIH to Investigate Alleged Sonic Attacks Against U.S. Personnel in Cuba
12/1/17 Engel Statement on World AIDS Day
12/1/17 Engel Statement on Reports that the State Department Will Begin Offering Buyouts
12/1/17 Engel Statement on Flynn Guilty Pleas
November 2017
Date Title
11/30/17 Engel Statement on Reports of Tillerson Being Replaced by CIA Director Mike Pompeo
11/29/17 Engel Statement on North Korea ICBM Launch
11/29/17 Engel Statement on Bolivia
11/28/17 Engel Statement on Honduran Presidential Election
11/28/17 Cummings and Engel Send New Letters After WSJ Reports that Michael Flynn Promoted Middle East Nuclear Deal Inside the White House
11/25/17 Engel Statement on Reopening of Yemen Airport and Port
11/21/17 Engel Statement on Resignation of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe
11/21/17 Engel Statement on Trump's Decision to End Temporary Protected Status for Haitians Living in U.S.
11/17/17 Engel Remarks on U.S.-Caribbean Relations
11/16/17 Foreign Affairs Democrats to Tillerson: Personnel Cuts Threaten American Security & Leadership
11/16/17 Engel Remarks on Iraqi and Syrian Refugee Children
11/15/17 Engel Remarks at Full Committee Markup
11/14/17 Engel Floor Remarks on Yemen
11/14/17 Engel Floor Remarks on the National Defense Authorization Act
11/9/17 Engel Statement on Trump's China Trade Comments
11/9/17 Engel, Ros-Lehtinen Host CICIG Commissioner Ivan Velásquez
11/8/17 Engel Remarks and Questions on the President's Plan for Afghanistan and Pakistan
11/8/17 Royce, Engel Write Secretary Tillerson on Cybersecurity
11/8/17 Readout of Engel Meeting with Foreign Secretary Johnson
11/3/17 Engel, Chabot Offer Burma Sanctions Bill
11/2/17 Engel Floor Remarks on Combating Terrorism
11/2/17 Royce, Engel Write President on U.S.-Taiwan Relations Ahead of Asia Trip
11/2/17 Engel Remarks on Hong Kong "One Country, Two Systems" Policy
11/1/17 Engel Remarks on North Korea