Latest News

February 2014
Date Title
2/27/14 Engel Opening Statement at Full Committee Markup of H.R. 2548 the Electrify Africa Act of 2014
2/26/14 Engel Opening Statement, as Prepared for Delivery, at Full Committee Hearing “International Wildlife Trafficking Threats to Conservation and National Security”
2/26/14 Engel Statement on Challenges Posed by a Nuclear North Korea
2/21/14 Engel Statement on Agreement Between Ukrainian President and Opposition
2/20/14 Engel Pens Op-Ed for CQ Roll Call Urging Continued U.S. Engagement in Kosovo
2/19/14 Engel Calls for Immediate Targeted Sanctions in Ukraine
2/18/14 Engel Statement on Crackdown Against Venezuela Protestors
2/18/14 Int’l NY Times Publishes Engel Letter Urging Nobel Prize for Kosovo-Serbia Agreement
2/18/14 Engel Statement on Escalation of Violence in Ukraine
2/10/14 House Passes H.Res. 447 Supporting the Democratic and European Aspirations of the People of Ukraine
2/10/14 Engel Signs Bipartisan Letter to Kerry Urging NATO Enlargement
2/5/14 Engel Opening Statement at Full Committee Hearing “Al-Qaeda’s Resurgence in Iraq: A Threat to U.S. Interests
2/4/14 House Foreign Affairs Committee Sends Best Wishes to U.S. Olympic Team
January 2014
Date Title
1/29/14 Engel Opening Statements at Full Committee Markup of H.Res. 447 and H.R. 938
1/29/14 SNAP Cuts Hurt the Most Vulnerable
1/28/14 Engel Statement on Upcoming Salvadoran Presidential Elections
1/27/14 Engel Statement Read in Prishtina, Kosovo Commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day
1/22/14 Engel Statement on Escalation of Violence in Ukraine
1/17/14 Engel Statement on Anti-Semitic Actions by Ukrainian Member of Parliament From Svoboda Party
1/17/14 Engel Statement on Ukrainian Legislation Constraining Fundamental Rights and Civil Liberties
1/15/14 Engel Statement on Acceptance of Rabbi Weiss’ Religious Credentials
1/15/14 Engel Opening Statement, as Prepared for Delivery, at Full Committee Hearing: “South Sudan’s Broken Promise?”
1/14/14 Engel Statement on Russia’s Refusal to Allow Radio Free Europe Journalist to Report from Moscow
1/11/14 Engel Statement on Passing of Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
1/10/14 Engel Statement on Russia-Iran Oil for Goods Deal
1/10/14 Engel Statement on Appointment of Deborah Birx as Ambassador at Large and Coordinator of United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally
1/10/14 Engel Pens Letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu Regarding Developments Between the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and the American Jewish Community
1/7/14 Engel Statement on Dennis Rodman Trip to North Korea
1/3/14 Engel Statement on Violence in Cambodia
December 2013
Date Title
12/27/13 Engel Statement on Attack on Ukrainian Journalist
12/24/13 Bipartisan Congressional Leaders Call for End of Hostilities and Encourage Inclusive Political Dialogue in South Sudan
12/23/13 Engel Pens Letter to American Studies Association Regarding Israel Boycott, Offers Assistance in Identifying Countries with Human Rights Concerns
12/23/13 Co-Chairs of Albania and Serbia Caucuses Nominate EU, Serbia, and Kosovo Leaders for Nobel Peace Prize
12/20/13 Engel Statement on Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill
12/16/13 Engel Introduces Bipartisan Resolution on Ukraine
12/16/13 Engel Statement on American Studies Association Boycott of Israel
12/13/13 Engel to Introduce Resolution on Ukraine Unrest
12/13/13 Bipartisan Letter sent to Bangladesh Prime Minister and Chairperson, Bangladesh Nationalist Party Urging Free and Fair Elections
12/12/13 Engel Remarks During Floor Debate of Assessing Progress in Haiti Act
12/12/13 Bipartisan Congressional Leaders Push to Increase Effectiveness of AGOA, Landmark Legislation to Boost U.S.-Africa Trade
12/11/13 Engel Statement on Use of Riot Police Against Peaceful Protests in Kyiv
12/11/13 Engel Opening Statement for Full Committee Hearing “Afghanistan 2014: Year of Transition”
12/10/13 Engel Opening Statement at Full Committee Hearing “The Iran Nuclear Deal: Does it Further U.S. National Security?”
12/9/13 Engel Presses Kerry About Violence and Fundamental Freedoms in Ukraine
12/9/13 House of Representatives to Consider Resolution Honoring Mandela’s Life, Accomplishments, and Legacy
12/5/13 Engel Statement on Passing of Nelson Mandela
12/3/13 Engel Statement on Fourth Anniversary of Incarceration of Alan Gross by Cuba
12/3/13 Engel Statement on Becoming Chair of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians
12/2/13 Engel Statement on Ukraine Protests
12/2/13 Engel Statement on the signing into law of The PEPFAR Stewardship and Oversight Act of 2013
November 2013
Date Title
11/25/13 Engel Statement on Loya Jirga’s Approval of U.S.-Afghan Bilateral Security Agreement
11/24/13 Engel Statement on Interim Deal Reached Between P5+1 and Iran
11/22/13 Engel Statement on Ukraine Suspending EU Association Agreement Negotiations
11/22/13 Engel Statement on Reports of a Delayed Signing of the U.S.-Afghanistan Bilateral Security Agreement
11/21/13 Engel Statement on Georgia’s European Future
11/21/13 Ranking Member Engel Helps Introduce Bipartisan International Violence Against Women Act
11/20/13 Engel Op-Ed on Eastern Partnership
11/20/13 Engel resolution on Eastern Partnership approved unanimously by House Foreign Affairs Committee
11/19/13 Engel Floor Remarks on S. 1545 – The PEPFAR Stewardship and Oversight Act of 2013
11/13/13 Engel Opening Statement at Full Committee Hearing “Examining Nuclear Negotiations: Iran After Rouhani’s First 100 Days”
11/13/13 Engel Speech at Council of Americas on Upcoming Elections in Central America
11/13/13 Chairman Royce, Ranking Member Engel Introduce Resolution to Express Support for Philippines Typhoon Victims
11/13/13 Engel Introduces Bipartisan Resolution Regarding Eastern European Nations Seeking Deeper Ties with EU
11/12/13 Engel Statement on Devastation Caused by Typhoon Haiyan
11/8/13 Engel Statement on Iran Nuclear Talks
11/6/13 Engel Statement on M23 Congo Rebel Group Ending Rebellion
11/6/13 Engel Statement on New Social Media Initiative
11/5/13 Engel Statement on Kosovo Municipal Elections
October 2013
Date Title
10/31/13 Engel Receives Letter from Former Executive Director of UN World Food Program on Food Aid Reform
10/31/13 Engel Pens Politico Op-Ed on Food Aid
10/30/13 Engel Statement on Meeting with Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
10/30/13 Engel Remarks Following First Meeting of Farm Bill Conference Committee
10/29/13 Engel Opening Statement at Full Committee Hearing “Next Steps on Egypt Policy"
10/25/13 Engel Applauds U.S.-Mexico Transnational Financial Crimes Agreement
10/22/13 Engel Remarks on Iran at Jewish Community Relations Council Panel
10/22/13 Engel Remarks on Committee Meeting with Pakistan Prime Minister
10/10/13 ENGEL-- Engel Opening Statement at Full Committee Markup of H.R. 3212 the Sean and David Goldman International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act of 2013
10/9/13 Engel Statement on Reported Suspension of Military Aid to Egypt
10/9/13 Engel Opening Statement for Full Committee Hearing “Haiti: Is U.S. Aid Effective?”
10/4/13 Engel Statement on Proposed European Circumcision Ban
10/3/13 State Response to Engel Letter Voicing Concern Over Russian Intimidation of Neighbors
10/3/13 Engel Opening Statement for Full Committee Hearing “Al-Shabaab:How Great a Threat?”
10/2/13 Engel Hails Passage of Legislation Extending Emergency Visas for Iraqis Employed by U.S. During Iraq War
10/1/13 Engel Statement on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s Expulsion of U.S. Embassy Personnel
September 2013
Date Title
9/29/13 House Passes State Department Authorization Legislation Focusing on Embassy Security
9/27/13 Engel Hails Security Council Agreement on Syria Chemical Weapons
9/27/13 Engel Statement on Obama-Rouhani Call
9/27/13 Engel Statement on U.N. Report Stating Climate Change is Man-Made
9/26/13 Engel Hails Passage of Organization of American States Reform Legislation
9/25/13 Ranking Member Engel Introduces Legislation Extending Critical Global HIV/AIDS Programs
9/25/13 Engel Statement on U.S. Decision to Join U.N. Arms Trade Treaty
9/25/13 Op-Ed: U.S. needs action, not words, from Iran
9/24/13 Engel Reaction to Rouhani UN Speech
9/23/13 Engel Statement on the al-Shabab Attack in Kenya
9/23/13 Engel Statement on Terrorist Attack at Pakistani Church
9/20/13 Engel Statement on Reports that Putin & Assad Stalling Disposal of Syria’s Chemical Weapons Arsenal
9/18/13 Engel Opening Statement at Full Committee Hearing “Benghazi: Where is the State Department Accountability?”
9/18/13 Engel Urges State Department Action to Counter Russian Attempts to Intimidate European Neighbors Seeking Closer Integration with Europe
9/16/13 Engel Statement on UN Syria Chemical Weapons Report
9/11/13 Engel Statement on Russian Anti-Aircraft Sale to Iran