Location: Hearing will be held in 2172 Rayburn House Office Building and virtually via Cisco WebEx
H.R. 4644, Libya Stabilization Act (Deutch)
    Deutch, Amendment in the nature of a substitute
    Chabot/Omar, Amendment #59
H.R. 5517, Gandhi-King Scholarly Exchange Initiative Act (Lewis)
    Engel, Amendment in the nature of a substitute 
H.R. 5586, Haiti Development, Accountability, and Institutional Transparency Initiative Act (Jeffries)
    Levin, Amendment in the nature of a substitute
H.Res. 1062, Affirming the nature and importance of the United States-Iraq bilateral relationship, including security and economic components of the relationship (Allred)
    Levin, Amendment #126
    Wilson, Amendment #70
H.R. 3331, Countering Hizballah in Lebanon’s Military Act of 2019 (Zeldin)
    Engel, Amendment in the nature of a substitute
    Wilson, Amendment #71
H.R. 7703, Caribbean Basin Security Initiative Authorization Act (Espaillat)
H.Res. 1033, Condemning acts by the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region that violate fundamental rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents as well as acts that undermine Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy (Engel)
    Engel, Amendment in the nature of a substitute
H.R. 7805, Stop Predatory Organ Trafficking Act of 2020 (Reschenthaler)
    Reschenthaler, Amendment #49
H.R. 7623, To require the Secretary of State to submit a plan to eliminate the passport 
application backlog, and for other purposes (Connolly)
    Connolly, Amendment in the nature of a substitute
H.R. 7682, To support a civilian-led democratic transition, promote accountability for human rights abuses, and encourage fiscal transparency in Sudan, and for other purposes (Engel)
    Perry, Amendment #172 (not adopted, roll call 23-14)
H.R. 7276, East Africa Locust Eradication Act (Smith)
    Smith, Amendment in the nature of a substitute (adopted without objection)
    Perry, Amendment #174, to the Smith amendment in the nature of substitute (not adopted by voice vote)
H.R. 6334, Securing America from Epidemics Act (Bera)
    Perry Amendment #173 (not adopted by voice vote)
H.Res. 759, Expressing that it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the Russian Federation interfered in the 2016 United States Presidential election and deliberately spread false information to implicate the Republic of Ukraine (Keating) (roll call 29-9)
    Keating, Amendment #88 (adopted, roll call 37-1) 
    Perry Amendment #175 (not adopted, roll call 14-23) 
    McCaul, Amendment in the nature of a substitute