Washington, DC - Representative Gregory W. Meeks, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement after the passage of the 45-day Continuing Resolution to keep the government temporarily open:

"Though I supported the 45-day Continuing Resolution to buy more time and keep the government open, I am extremely disappointed that the Republican Resolution omits critical funding for Ukraine’s war effort. Vladimir Putin has bet that he can wait us out, that the coalition of allies the United States has led in support of Ukraine will fracture; by omitting the $6 billion in vital support, Republicans are playing into his hand. I remain committed to ensuring Ukraine continues to receive additional funding as they fight to protect their homes, their people, and their democracy.

"A government shutdown would be catastrophic for the American economy, to our international reputation, and a gift to authoritarians around the world who want to frame democracy as inherently dysfunctional. Extreme Republicans are now making that case for them."
