Location: 2255 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Ms. Gretchen Birkle
Regional Director for Africa, International Republican Institute
- HHRG-114-FA16-Wstate-BirkleG-20150318.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-TTF-BirkleG-20150318.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-Bio-BirkleG-20150318.pdf
Mr. Patrick Merloe
Director of Electoral Programs and Senior Associate, National Democratic Institute
- HHRG-114-FA16-Wstate-MerloeP-20150318.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-TTF-MerloeP-20150318.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-Bio-MerloeP-20150318.pdf
The Honorable Eric G. Postel
Assistant to the Administrator, Bureau for Africa, U.S. Agency for International Development
Mr. Eric Robinson
Senior Program Officer for East and Horn of Africa, National Endowment for Democracy
- HHRG-114-FA16-Wstate-RobinsonE-20150318.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-TTF-RobinsonE-20150318.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-Bio-RobinsonE-20150318.pdf
Mr. William Sweeney
President and Chief Executive Officer, International Foundation for Electoral Systems