WASHINGTON—House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and Ranking Member Eliot Engel (D-NY) released the following statement as the two continue work to respond to Iranian aggression with new sanctions on its ballistic missiles program and a measure to reauthorize the existing Iran Sanctions Act:

“In recent weeks and months, Iran has conducted multiple ballistic missile tests in defiance of the U.N. Security Council.  At least one missile was reportedly stamped with the words ‘Israel should be wiped from the pages of history.’  Yet despite these dangerous and provocative acts, Iran still has not been held accountable.  This must change.

“Until those responsible for the Iranian ballistic missile program—from the top down—are held accountable, Iran will continue to take full advantage.  We’ve seen this play out over and over again.  Indeed, Iranian officials have announced that its program be accelerated while Russia provides cover at the United Nations.  Enough is enough.  We must send a strong, clear message to Iran that there will be real consequences for acts that threaten the U.S. and the region with violence and destruction.”
