Washington, DC – Congressman Howard L. Berman, Ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement on the signing of the “Cartagena Accord,” which paves the way for Honduras’ readmission to the Organization of American States (OAS) roughly two years after the coup in that country.

“I congratulate President Lobo and former President Zelaya, current and former Presidents of Honduras, on the signing of “The Cartagena Accord.” The Accord paves the way for Zelaya’s return to Honduras, and that country’s re-admission to the Organization of American States roughly two years after the Honduran coup. Presidents Santos of Colombia and Funes of El Salvador deserve much credit for this diplomatic success, as does the deft behind-the-scenes work of our own Department of State. If the Accord is implemented in good faith, Honduras can finally begin to erase the stain on the region’s democracy left by the 2009 coup and will be well on its way to becoming a full partner in a region that strives every day to live up to the democratic aspirations of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, which this year celebrates its 10 year anniversary.”