Washington, DC – Rep. Howard L. Berman (D-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, today applauded House passage of H.R. 5327, the US-Israel Rocket and Missile Defense Cooperation and Support Act. This important legislation authorizes President Obama’s request to provide U.S. assistance to support the deployment of Israel’s Iron Dome rocket and missile defense system.

“With nearly every square inch of Israel at risk from rocket and missile attacks, we must ensure that our most important ally in the region has the tools to defend itself,” Berman said. “The looming threat of a nuclear-armed Iran, and the persistent threat posed by Iran’s allies Hamas and Hezbollah, only serve to reinforce our longstanding commitment to Israel’s security. The President’s unprecedented request and the House’s quick approval speak for themselves— both President Obama and the Congress are actively and unshakably committed to Israel’s security.”

The US-Israel Rocket and Missile Defense Cooperation and Support Act follows a request by President Obama to Congress for a special $205 million authorization to support Israel’s deployment of the Iron Dome rocket defense system, which will reduce the threat from Hamas and Hezbollah short-range rocket attacks. The funds authorized by this legislation come in addition to the $3 billion in security assistance requested by the Administration for Israel as part of the President’s FY 2011 budget submission to Congress.

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