Washington, DC - Today, Representative Gregory W. Meeks, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement following the conclusion of the G7 summit:

“The outcome of the G7 summit has demonstrated clearly that America is back, confident in taking a leadership role in global affairs and humble enough to know that multilateralism is crucial to the United States’ national security and economic interests.

“G7 leaders underscored in their communique that we seek “stable and predictable relations with Russia;” however, at the same time, all G7 leaders loudly called on Russia to stop its destabilizing behavior and malign activities, including its interference in other countries’ democratic systems, and its use of cyberattacks. 

“I’m pleased that the G7 leaders made a monumental commitment on climate change and vaccine diplomacy, agreeing to provide 1 billion extra doses of Covid-19 vaccines for other countries. 

“I’m also encouraged to see G7 leaders express deep concern over the crises in Ethiopia and the Sahel, urging regional leaders to resolve these conflicts through inclusive, democratic processes and respect human rights and the rule of law. 

“Lastly, it is clear that the international community is unified in condemning China’s human rights violations against its own citizens. To compete with China, America must once again play a leadership role in international affairs and strengthening alliances. The Build Back Better World infrastructure initiative is an example of how American leadership and multilateralism can go hand in hand to tackle global challenges.

“G7 leaders are united in the firm belief that democracy, freedom, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights form the bedrock of our prosperity and stability.”

