WASHINGTON—Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today released the following statement on the Zika conference report:

“When crises strike, the American people expect their elected representatives to act quickly and responsibly.  But for House Republican leaders, it's always politics first, our most important priorities second. 
“Last night, after waiting months to act on President Obama’s emergency funding request, Republicans put forward a partisan funding bill that falls far short of the amount public health funding experts say are needed to mount a complete response to Zika virus.  In addition, the bill pulls resources away from other vital public health programs, undercuts the Clean Water Act, and makes it harder for women at home and abroad to access contraception. 
“Through their paltry package, laden with harmful provisions that have nothing to do with Zika, Republicans have demonstrated once again that they do not take the Zika virus or women’s health seriously.  Shame on them.
“My Democratic colleagues and I remain committed to addressing the threat of Zika head-on.  That means giving our agencies the resources they need to conduct research, manage mosquito populations, and educate the public about this public health crisis.”
