Washington, DC – Today, Representative Gregory W. Meeks, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement regarding the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act: 
“I am proud to have voted in support of the CHIPS and Science Act, legislation that will be critical for bolstering American competitiveness and innovation in high-tech industries integral to the U.S. economy. With only 12% of semiconductor chip production taking place in the United States, we remain vulnerable to disruptions in global supply chains. The shortage in chips caused by COVID-19 has underscored our overreliance on importing these high-tech components. By boosting research and development, STEM education, and tech production, this bill will help shield the U.S. economy from disruptions caused by pandemics, conflict, and other threats to the global supply chain, all while creating high-paying jobs for generations of American workers and providing relief at the check-out line for American consumers. 

“This legislation positions the United States to better compete for the jobs of tomorrow, but we also need to bolster our diplomacy, alliances, and global leadership to win the strategic competition with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). I am disappointed that my Republican colleagues obstructed efforts to include China-focused provisions from the House-passed America COMPETES Act and Senate-passed USICA in this package, derailing robust measures to position the United States to effectively compete with the PRC. Given the urgency of the China challenge, I hope we can put partisanship aside and work together to pass a bipartisan foreign affairs package later this Congress.  

“The PRC is betting that the United States is in decline. With its major investments in America, this CHIPS bill underscores that Beijing is wrong. I look forward to President Biden’s signing of this critical legislation, which will provide greater opportunities for American families and workers.” 
