Washington, DC — Representative Gregory W. Meeks, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement regarding Pakistan’s February 8th General Election:  

“I send my congratulations to the millions of Pakistanis who voted in the country’s February 8 elections. The right to choose your elected leaders without fear of violence is a vital part of democracy, and it is critical the election’s outcome reflects the will of the Pakistani people.   

“I join with other credible international and local election observers in expressing concerns over the barriers imposed on the electoral process, whether due to violence, curbs imposed by authorities on freedom of expression or association, or restrictions imposed on telecommunications and access to the internet. Democracies are stronger when election results reflect the votes of more citizens, not less.  

“Despite these challenges, voters have made their voices heard. Once an elected government has been formed, I look forward to working with the Government of Pakistan to advance our bilateral relationship, including through support for economic development, strengthening democratic institutions and human rights, and growing our people-to-people ties.”  
