Washington, DC - Today, Representatives Gregory W. Meeks and Michael McCaul, Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, along with Ted Deutch and Joe Wilson, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Middle East, North Africa, and Global Counterterrorism, issued the following statement in response to recent events in Tunisia.

“We remain concerned by events in Tunisia, including the recent extension of the country’s state of emergency past the original 30-day deadline and continued suspension of Parliament. These developments threaten Tunisia’s democratic transition and constitutional reform process. We continue to believe that the Tunisian constitution and ideals of democracy and human rights must guide any response to the political and economic challenges facing Tunisia, an important U.S. partner. 

“We also acknowledge and appreciate the engagement of senior U.S. officials, including Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer and U.S. Ambassador Donald Blome, with representatives of the Tunisian government and civil society. The Tunisian people and civil society must play an active role in shaping Tunisia’s future.

“We will continue to actively monitor the situation in Tunisia and work with the Biden Administration to encourage Tunisia’s return to a democratic path.” 
