Washington, D.C. – Rep. Eliot L. Engel, the senior Democratic Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement regarding Russia’s refusal to allow Radio Free Europe journalist David Satter to continue reporting from Moscow.

“I was deeply dismayed by reports that the Russian government has refused to allow David Satter, a respected journalist with Radio Free Europe, to continue reporting from Moscow. The denial of Mr. Satter’s visa renewal application effectively means he will be barred from returning to the country on which he has reported for more than 40 years. Even more distressing is the fact that the authorities in Moscow have failed to give a meaningful explanation for their decision. This action can only be interpreted as an another blow to freedom of the press and independent journalism in Russia. I urge the Russian government to live up to its obligation to respect freedom of the press and revisit its decision to deny Mr. Satter his visa.”
