Washington, DC - Today, Representative Gregory W. Meeks, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement regarding the Biden Administration’s budget request:

“The foreign affairs budget request released by President Biden today recognizes that the challenges we face will require global cooperation. Whether it’s stopping the spread of COVID-19, mitigating climate change, addressing the root causes of migration, or combatting the growing threat to human rights and democracies around the world, the request makes clear that the United States must re-engage with the world to support our allies and work collectively to secure a more stable and prosperous world. I'm also encouraged by the request's demonstrated commitment to diversity at the State Department. The President’s budget request is a welcome affirmation of the United States’ critical role in the world, and should serve as a down payment for increased, sustained engagement.

“The United States today faces extraordinary challenges, requiring investments that will produce far greater returns at home and around the world. As part of the branch of government with the power of the purse, I look forward to working with Secretary Blinken and the White House to ensure our foreign policy and development professionals have the resources they need to navigate these challenges and bring America’s voice back to the world stage.”

