Washington—Representative Eliot L. Engel, Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today announced that Representative Ami Bera has been named Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Nonproliferation and that Representative Joaquin Castro, the full committee Vice-Chairman, has been named Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. This reshuffle comes as Representative Brad Sherman was named chairman of a Financial Services subcommittee, vacating his Foreign Affairs subcommittee chairmanship.

“I’m grateful to Mr. Sherman for his long-time leadership on the Foreign Affairs Committee, and I’m glad that Mr. Bera and Mr. Castro, two of our most capable members, are assuming these new leadership positions. I look forward to all our subcommittees continuing their important work to shine a light on foreign policy concerns all over the world and to press ahead with our oversight responsibilities,” said Chairman Engel.

In addition to the changes in subcommittee leadership, Representative Bera will vacate his seat on the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee. Additionally, Representative Castro will vacate and Representative Bera will assume a position on the Europe, Eurasia, Energy, and Environment Subcommittee. Representative Sherman will remain a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Full committee membership and assignments can be found at foreignaffairs.house.gov.

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