Room Number: 2172
Location: Rayburn House Office Building and Virtually via Cisco WebEx
ANS to H.R. 7276, Ukraine Invasion War Crimes Deterrence and Accountability Act [PDF]
Titus Amendment #98 to the ANS to H.R. 7276 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #554 to the ANS to H.R. 7276 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #555 to the ANS to H.R. 7276 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #571 to the ANS to H.R. 7276 [PDF]
H.R. 7311, Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act [PDF]
Chabot Amendment #43 to H.R. 7311 [PDF]
Malinowski Amendment #84 to H.R. 7311 [PDF]
Green Amendment #87 to H.R. 7311 [PDF]
Pfluger Amendment #104 to H.R. 7311 [PDF]
Pfluger Amendment #109 to H.R. 7311 [PDF]
Pfluger Amendment #108 to H.R. 7311 [PDF]
Pfluger Amendment #110 to H.R. 7311 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #569 to H.R. 7311 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #570 to H.R. 7311 [PDF]
H.R. 7340, To provide for congressional oversight of certain sanctions imposed with respect to the Russian Federation. [PDF]
ANS to H.Res. 833, Expressing support for Moldova's democracy, independence, and territorial integrity and strengthening United States and Moldova relations [PDF]
Perry Amendment #561 to the ANS to H.Res. 833 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #564 to the ANS to H.Res. 833 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #575 to the ANS to H.Res. 833 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #576 to the ANS to H.Res. 833 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #577 to the ANS to H.Res. 833 [PDF]
H.R. 7314, AXIS Act [PDF]
H.R. 7338, Russia Cryptocurrency Transparency Act [PDF]
Sherman Amendment #80 to H.R. 7338 [PDF]
H.R. 7372, Protecting Semiconductor Supply Chain Materials From Authoritarians Act [PDF]
Perry Amendment #573 to H.R. 7372 [PDF]
ANS TO H.R. 923, Georgia Support Act [PDF]
Smith Amendment #73 to the ANS to H.R. 923 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #566 to the ANS to H.R. 923 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #567 to the ANS to H.R. 923 [PDF]
H.R. 6930, Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction Act [PDF]
Meijer Amendment #17 to the ANS to H.R. 6930 [PDF]
Meijer Amendment #18 to the ANS to H.R. 6930 [PDF]
Barr Amendment #59 to the ANS H.R. 6930 [PDF]
Barr Amendment #61 to H.R. 6930 [PDF]
Malinowski Amendment #85 ANS to H.R. 6930, [PDF]
Pfluger Amendment #105 to H.R. 6930 [PDF]
Pfluger Amendment #107 to H.R. 6930 [PDF]
Pfluger Amendment #112 to H.R. 6930 [PDF]
Burchett Amendment #119 to the ANS to H.R. 6930 [PDF]
ANS to H.R. 3344, Transatlantic Telecommunications Security Act [PDF]
Kinzinger Amendment #40 to the ANS to H.R. 3344 [PDF]
Perry Amendment #572 to the ANS to H.R. 3344 [PDF]
H.R. 7312, To prohibit participation of the Russian Federation in the G7 [PDF]
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