Location: 2172 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Carly Seidewand Eppley
Vice President, Global Sales and Administration, Resin Technology, LLC
- HHRG-114-FA18-Wstate-EppleyC-20150519.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA18-TTF-EppleyC-20150519.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA18-Bio-EppleyC-20150519.pdf
Mr. Fred P. Hochberg
Chairman and President, Export-Import Bank of the United States
Mr. Daniel J. Ikenson
Director, Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy, Cato Institute
- HHRG-114-FA18-Wstate-IkensonD-20150519.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA18-TTF-IkensonD-20150519.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA18-Bio-IkensonD-20150519.pdf
Ms. Susan Jaime
Founder, Ferra Coffee International
- HHRG-114-FA18-Wstate-JaimeS-20150519.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA18-TTF-JaimeS-20150519.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA18-Bio-JaimeS-20150519.pdf
General James L. Jones, USMC, Retired
Founder, Jones Group International
- HHRG-114-FA18-Wstate-JonesJ-20150519.pdf
- The Task Ahead - Jones
- HHRG-114-FA18-TTF-JonesJ-20150519.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA18-Bio-JonesJ-20150519.pdf
The Honorable Elizabeth L Littlefield
President and Chief Executive Officer, Overseas Private Investment Corporation
The Honorable Leocadia I. Zak
Director, U.S. Trade and Development Agency