Location: 2200 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Ms. Patricia Apy
International and Interstate Family Law Attorney, Paras, Apy, and Reiss
- HHRG-115-FA16-Wstate-ApyP-20180411.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA16-TTF-ApyP-20180411.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA16-Bio-ApyP-20180411.pdf
Mr. James Cook
Father of Four Children Abducted in Japan
- HHRG-115-FA16-Wstate-CookJ-20180411.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA16-TTF-CookJ-20180411.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA16-Bio-CookJ-20180411.pdf
Ms. Suzanne Lawrence,
Special Advisor for Children's Issues, Office of Children’s Issues, Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State