Location: Room 2322 of the Rayburn House Office Building
Panel I
Ms. Florizelle Liser
Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa
Executive Office of the President
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Ms. Leocadia L. Zak
Acting Director
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
Ms. Holly Vineyard
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Africa, the Middle East and South Asia
International Trade Administration
Panel II
Mr. Stephen Hayes
President and Chief Executive Officer
The Corporate Council on Africa
Mr. Greg Lebedev
Senior Advisor to the President
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Center for International Private Enterprise
Lisa D. Cook, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
James Madison College
Department of Economics
Michigan State University
Mrs. Karen Tandy
Senior Vice President
Public Affairs and Communications
Motorola, Incorporated
Donald M. Payne (D-NJ)