NotesThe markup of H.R. 4819, DELTA Act, will begin immediately following this hearing.
Location: 2172 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Elizabeth L. Bennett, Ph.D.
Vice President for Species Conservation, Wildlife Conservation Society
- HHRG-115-FA00-Wstate-BennettE-20180522.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA00-TTF-BennettE-20180522.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA00-Bio-BennettE-20180522.pdf
Ms. Gretchen S. Peters
Executive Director, Center on Illicit Networks and Transnational Organized Crime
- HHRG-115-FA00-Wstate-PetersG-20180522.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA00-TTF-PetersG-20180522.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA00-Bio-PetersG-20180522.pdf
Mr. Dave Stewart
Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Vulcan