Notes*Witnesses have been added.
Time and location of hearing have been changed.
Further witnesses may be added.
Location: Room 2212 of the Rayburn House Office Building
Panel I
The Honorable Donald Y. Yamamoto
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
Bureau of African Affairs
U.S. Department of State
The Honorable Nancy Lindborg
Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Affairs
U.S. Agency for International Development
*Mr. Reuben Brigety
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
U.S. Department of State
Panel II
Mr. J. Peter Pham
Michael S. Ansari Africa Center
Atlantic Council
Ms. Browyn Bruton
One Earth Future Foundation
Mr. Martin Murphy
Visiting Fellow
Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy
King's College, London
*Mr. David H. Shinn
Adjunct Professor
Elliott School of International Affairs
George Washington University
Christopher H. Smith (R-NJ)