Location: 2172 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Vanda Felbab-Brown, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow, Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence, Foreign Policy Program, The Brookings Institution
- HHRG-115-FA18-Wstate-Felbab-BrownV-20170427.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA18-TTF-Felbab-BrownV-20170427.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA18-Bio-Felbab-BrownV-20170427.pdf
Seth G. Jones, Ph.D.
Director, International Security and Defense Policy Center, RAND Corporation
- HHRG-115-FA18-Wstate-JonesS-20170427.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA18-TTF-JonesS-20170427.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA18-Bio-JonesS-20170427.pdf
Mr. Bill Roggio
Editor, Long War Journal, Foundation for Defense of Democracies