Location: 2172 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Dan Glickman
Distinguished Fellow of Global Food and Agriculture, Chicago Council on Global Affairs (Former Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture)
- HHRG-115-FA00-Wstate-GlickmanD-20180214.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA00-TTF-GlickmanD-20180214.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA00-Bio-GlickmanD-20180214.pdf
Erin Lentz, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Public Affairs, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin
- HHRG-115-FA00-Wstate-LentzE-20180214.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA00-TTF-LentzE-20180214.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA00-Bio-LentzE-20180214.pdf
The Honorable Andrew Natsios
Executive Professor, The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University (Former Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development)