Location: 2172 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Rabbi Andrew Baker
Personal Representative on Combating Anti-Semitism, Office of the Chairperson-in-Office, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
- HHRG-115-FA16-Wstate-BakerR-20170322.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA16-TTF-BakerR-20170322.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA16-Bio-BakerR-20170322.pdf
Ms. Stacy Burdett
Vice President, Government Relations, Advocacy, and Community Engagement, Anti-Defamation League
Mr. Paul Goldenberg
National Director, Secure Community Network
- HHRG-115-FA16-Wstate-GoldenbergP-20170322.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA16-TTF-GoldenbergP-20170322.pdf
- HHRG-115-FA16-Bio-GoldenbergP-20170322.pdf
Mr. Mark Weitzman
Director of Government Affairs, Simon Wiesenthal Center