WASHINGTON—Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement on the future of American foreign policy priorities:
“In recent months, public debate at the highest levels has included suggestions that our country bring back torture, that we withdraw from NATO, that we stay neutral in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that we carpet-bomb the Middle East until the sand glows, and that the United States—a country of immigrants—should close its doors to those seeking a better life here. Talk like this is dangerous, plain and simple. It alarms our friends and allies. It adds fuel to the fires of those who want to do us harm. And it creates doubts about whether the United States will continue to be steadfast and consistent as the global standard bearer for freedom and democracy.
“As the senior Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee, I have worked with colleagues of both parties to help build a foreign policy that advances American interests and sustains American values. The reckless and inflammatory ideas we are hearing from some would undermine our country’s standing on the global stage, offending neighbors and friends, as well as allies and partners. Instead, we need leaders who understand the complexities of a changing world and who will ensure the United States remains a steady and committed leader in the international arena.”