Location: 2200 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Ms. Patricia Apy
Partner, Paras, Apy & Reiss, P.C.
- HHRG-114-FA16-Wstate-ApyP-20150716.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-TTF-ApyP-20150716.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-Bio-ApyP-20150716.pdf
Mr. Randy Collins
Managing Director (and Father of Child Abducted to Japan), Bring Abducted Children Home
The Honorable Susan S. Jacobs
Special Advisor for Children's Issues, Bureau of Consulat Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Ms. Diane McGee
Mother of Children Abducted to Japan
Samina Rahman, M.D.
Mother of Child Abducted to India
Ms. Kelly Rutherford
Co-Founder, Children's Justice Campaign