Location: 2172 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Ms. Yaxue Cao
Founder and Editor, China Change
- HHRG-114-FA16-Wstate-CaoY-20150625.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-TTF-CaoY-20150625.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-Bio-CaoY-20150625.pdf
Mr. Robert Daly
Director, Kissinger Institute on China and the U.S., Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
- HHRG-114-FA16-Wstate-DalyR-20150625.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-TTF-DalyR-20150625.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-Bio-DalyR-20150625.pdf
Ms. Susan V. Lawrence
Specialist in Asian Affairs, Congressional Research Service
Mr. Jeffrey S. Lehman
Vice Chancellor, New York University-Shanghai
- HHRG-114-FA16-Wstate-LehmanJ-20150625.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-Wstate-LehmanJ-20150625-SD001.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-TTF-LehmanJ-20150625.pdf
- HHRG-114-FA16-Bio-LehmanJ-20150625.pdf
Mirta M. Martin, Ph.D.
President, Fort Hays State University