WASHINGTON, DC—Representative Eliot L. Engel, the top Democrat on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement regarding negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program:
“Today’s announcement is the culmination of months of negotiations and compromise. We now need to take a close look at the details to determine if the compromises made are worth the dismantling of years of pressure built on Iran. As I’ve said again and again, no deal is better than a bad deal, and we need to ensure that this agreement forecloses any pathway to a bomb.
“I also want to underscore that the challenge posed by Iran does not stop with its nuclear program. Iran has created instability across the region and supported terrorism around the world. Nothing in this agreement should prevent the United States from taking action to prevent Iran from sowing further chaos and violence against American interests.”
“I welcome the outreach toward our regional allies, including Israel and our GCC partners, that the President outlined in his Rose Garden remarks. As we move ahead with negotiations with Iran, our allies must know that we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them to ensure their security and protection from Iran’s destabilizing activities.”