Washington D.C. – Ranking Member Eliot Engel, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and senior Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement on the recently released U.N. report stating that climate change was man-made.

“The work of climate scientists makes it abundantly clear that humans are behind mounting greenhouse gas emissions that are warming our planet. Left unchecked, we will continue to experience more devastating impacts of climate change. Rising sea levels will make storms, like Hurricane Sandy, more deadly and costly.

The time for action is long past and I fully support President Obama’s efforts to tackle climate change both on the international and domestic fronts. Climate change is a real threat, and I, as well as my New York constituents and the entire eastern seaboard, have seen the devastation it can cause first hand. The science is undeniable and I’m glad to see the President acting in lieu of Congress being held hostage by deniers who refute even the most basic and obvious scientific proof.”